Varangian laser blaster

So, I got the last big piece for Varangian painted, the laser blaster. This was a tricky bit to paint as the the barrels are partially blocking each other and I had to mount them before painting to get them straight, and it is a big piece. Next time over I might need...

Varangian Vulcan Mega Bolter

Quick update today. Finished the Vulgan Mega Bolter that goes on the Arioch Power Claw. I am not sure I am happy with the GS sculpts but it is what it is now. The skulls could have been better I think and the idea with the chains did not work as I imagined. Well you...

Varangian missile launcher

Over the last week I have manged to get quite a lot of painting time in and finished of the right shoulder missile launcher for the Varangian. I basically painted the same way as everything else on this titan. A base coat of yellow-green on the base structure and a...

Wrapping up some lose ends on Varangian

I finally got some time to wrap some things up for Varangian. I have had some small parts sitting around for a long time that "just needed" some paint. Well, as I now can start to see the end of my work with Varangian as a whole I though it was time to finish these so...

WIP, arioch power claw

I am still here but life is currently taking priority so painting has more or less ground to a stand still, so progress on the arioch power claw is slow but I am getting there. I will be back with some more pics once it is done.