WIP, arioch power claw

I am still here but life is currently taking priority so painting has more or less ground to a stand still, so progress on the arioch power claw is slow but I am getting there. I will be back with some more pics once it is done.

Varangian volcano cannon

Finally finished the first weapon for the Varangian, the volcano cannon. This is a beast to paint. It is very difficult to handle while painting and there is enough details to equal a normal main battle tank. I have probably spent some 15+ hours on this piece alone,...

Marneus Calgar

After suffering almost a month of restricted use of my right arm I am now slowly starting use it again. That also means that I can start painting again. As a restart of the hobby activities I decided to do a quick, ultra smurf job as this paint scheme is almost pure...


Once again I got stuck in to many projects and have not had the time to finish anything major. As a break from Varangian, knights and other stuff I decided to do a quick paint job on a model that as been laying around for some time, Cypher the fallen angel.I do like...

Varangian arm and weapon shields

I am moving again... at least when it comes to Varangian. I can now see the end of this build. This week I finished the biceps shields for both sides and the main shield for the volcano cannon. The GS for these have been more or less done for some time but as usual...