Crimson Angels Warp talons

Finished the last two Warp talons that I got from my wife for my birthday. I thought that the small winglets that were supposed to go onto each jump pack looked a bit tiny so I deiced that the aspiring champion and his right hand man would get some decorative wings...

Basing random models

Once in a while I gather up all the models I have painted for the last month or year and head out into the garage for some basing. As those who have followed this blog for some time know, I am not a great fan of bases. Usually I just ad some PVA to the bases and tip...

Its been that day again…

It has once again occurred, it has been that day when I have become one year older. And as per my tradition I give my self a day of from work to celebrate my self. This year I got a box of raptors from my Wife. The models are quite good looking and I have thought of...

More distractions

For some time now I have been looking at the Ragingheroes range of models. From the images that I have seen , which appeared to be CG, they appear to be very detailed to be 28 mm models. I was really wondering if the models were as detailed as the promotion pictures...

More distractions

Here are some more models I have been painting in parallel to Varangian. This time it is two more death guard from the Dark Imperium as well as a Primaris Ultra marine sergeant. I like to have these smaller models that I can finish in a day or two. It helps me relax...