Armiger Hellverin

This week I finished my first Armiger, about 7 month after buying my first one. If I keep that pace my detachment with Armigers will be done in 7 years....  lets hope I will not be that long. On the other hand it has taken me three year to finish three knights,...

Void dragons WIP

After spraying the back and the in-take cowls I could not wait, but started on the heads of the Void dragons. I needed to see how they turned out and if I should go on with the rest. I think they turned out ok, they are the first large scale sculpts I have done, and...

Green stuff knight pilots

Did a quick paint job on the two green stuff pilots I cast using green and blue stuff. I am happy with the result considering it was my first tries and that they will most likely never be seen. I will be back with some WIP pics on the Hellverin later in the week. It...

Varangian void dragons , WIP

The internet has spoken! After the last post about the dragons on the cooling ridges I asked for some advice on the design and in the comments I got some good advice. Like my wife the internet did not like the rib cages, so I decided to remove them and go with my...

Varangian dragons, WIP

I have been working on some decorations for the cooling ridges of the Varangian. My initial thoughts were to have some rib like structures on the sides between the cooling vents. Then I came up with the idea of also having some sort of skull covering the intake cowls,...