General WIP and an Exalted Sorcerer.

This week I have mostly finished some of the models I was working on when the Entropy project hit. First of I finished the Dark Angel terminator I was working at the time. I had also started a  I also finished a Vorax for my Mechanium army. Once this was done and...

Entropy, WIP

Sometimes things do not go as you plan. After finishing the dominus knight I thought I would treat my self with some small models, i.e. not knight or titans, to unwind a bit. But as I was sitting there painting a Dark Angels terminator my brain went off on a...

Dominus knight done

Finally, the last of my trio of knights are done. I am really happy with how it turned out. The free hand on the shield could be better but it will have to do for now, apart from that I really like the two tone color scheme, it gives more depth to the model. It will...

General WIP

I am back, sort of...   Last couple of weeks has been taxing at work so I have not had much time to work on my modeling projects. Apart from that I have not felt any real mojo for any specific project, so I have just been doing some work here and there on...

Possible Reaver? Decisions decisions…

This is a badly done merge  pic in "MS paint" from some pics I found on line () so I take no responsibility for any inaccuracy... nor the original paintwork.Since the release of the new Adepticus Titanicus game I have been torn about what to do. I do love...