Dominus WIP

Between working on Varangian I have also been painting on my take of the Dominus chassis. So far I have finished the sub-frame and the lower armor plates. The weapons are in the pre weathering stage and I am about to add some chevrons to the back carapace. All in all...

Varangian left shoulder armor

Finished the left side shoulder armor for Varangian. Over all I am happy with the result, I could have made the green stuff sculpts a bit different... but I think it is ok so I will leave it as it is for now. I am however really happy with how the toe plates worked...

Varangian left shoulder guard

I finally decided that Varangians shoulder armor was done. I have not really added anything new to them in a couple of months which means that they are most likely done. So I attached the small foot plates to the edges, fixed the magnet mounts and got them sprayed....

Dominus and Armiger Knights WIP

Last couple of days have been hectic. Vacation is running towards its end and it is time to finish up all the summer projects around the house, so not much time to sit with the models.I have however started painting on my "Warlord" knight which now would be something...

Myrmidon Secutors

These Myrmidon Secutors have been hanging around in a drawer for a couple of years (since 2015) and I decided that it was finally time to get around to them (also my wife said I could not order more from FW unless I finished what I already have). The sculpts are a bit...