Varangian and green stuff

Well, I did manage to get the legs painted and assembled over the holidays more or less like I planed. It took me a bit more time than I though to get each leg to a point were I felt comfortable joining them to the pelvis. I do not understand how people paint this...

Roboute Guilliman

This is a model I have had for some time now and since it is the holidays I thought would treat my self to something special. Guilliman was easy to assemble and did not consist of too many parts. However, there were once again some effects that was a bit disturbing. I...

Varangian feet, WIP

Hello, if there is still any one coming here. I have not been as diligent in updating this blogg lately so I understand if there are not that many of you. This autumn has been though and it has been hard to find time and motivation to paint.I do however get a sprint...

Ultra Dark Sister

This week has been really productive. Managed to build a bunch of models and get some of them painted. First of was some more primaris Ultra Marines. No to much to say about these guys really. I replicated the paint scheme from before. The models as such are nice but...

Mortrion, reaper primarch of the Death Guard

Finally finished Mortarion. This model was interesting to paint. There are so many details and a lot of them are hidden behind other parts so you have to paint it un-assembled to get to all of them, or at lest I had to do so. I think the color scheme also worked out....