Dreadtober done

After finishing the models I just needed to get them photographed with the light rig. And when I was about it I pulled the rest of the Legio Cybernetica out of the cabinet for a grop shot. There are still some models missing from the picture that I still have not...

Dreadtober 5

Final steps... and I am done with the Dreadtober challenge.Since the last post I have added some metal paint to the pistons. I also added some blue and brown ink to the pistons to give it some more life. Blue close to the sleeve, representing some fresh oil and brown...

Dreadtober 4

This week have not seen much progress on the iron circle Domitars as I have been await with work. Since I have been home I have added the blue white chevrons to the shoulders and top of the shields. I also added some random bone white markings on the armour, as well...

Dreadtober 3

After giving the model a bath and partial assembly I sprayed everything black and started laying in the base colours. The skeleton was painted my usual rusted metal starting from a black, brown and orange base and drybrushing copper and three white metals over it. It...

Dreadtober 2, the build

I am ploughing along with my Iron Circle Domitars. After washing all the parts I started by taking the legs of from the gates and cleaned them up. Om set had a bit more casting errors than the other so I am wondering if they are from different moulds or different...