Mortarion WIP 3

This week I managed to get quite a few hours of painting. This meant that I could finish Mortys head and weapons as well as get the small flying demons attached to the main model. I have also started on the wings. These are just at the first pass with drybrushing at...

Mortarion WIP2

This week has not be great hobby wise, I only managed to sneak in a few hours on Mortarion. But I managed to finish the main parts of the body so that I could assemble the model and attach it to the base. I think he is coming along nicely. My wife is not a fan of the...

Mortarion WIP

This has to be the worst/best model GW has made so far.Of course I had to pick up the primarch of the death guard as soon as he was released. Not that I am planing a death guard army or so, but with the models in the Dark Imperium box and all I thought it would be...

Varangian WIP; leg

I finally managed to sit down for quite some time today and get some chipping, rust etc done on one of Varangian's legs. It is not done, I need to finish the metals, but then I can mount it to the base. I am however not sure about the chipping, it looks a bit messy in...

Primaris Ultra

Since the last pictures of the Primaris Ultra Marines were a bit smeared and that I got a request for some better pictures I took some new ones.