
A few month ago I gave Saint Celestine to my wife as a birthday present. I told here that either she could paint it herself  to match her other sisters in her army, or I could paint it and try to match it to her earlier models. She opted for the latter option so...

Gatling Knight

I am finally done with the Gatling knight. It turned out nicely. Not exactly as I had envisioned but close enough. It was very hard to position the arms so that the gun pointed forward instead of across the chest. This meant that I had to make sure the head can turn...

Knight armor WIP

This week I have focused on finishing the armor plating for the Gatling Knight. I did not get as far as I would have liked so there are still the shields for the fists and some other small plates left to do. But it is coming along nicely. I did try my hand at some...

Knight Warden WIP

This week I have once again been away from home so there has not been much time to paint. I did however manage to finish two more Electro priests while away and this week end I managed to get a few hours in on the knight with the gatling. Not much to say relay, it is...

Resent progress…

It has been some time since my last post. That does however not mean that I have not been working. There has been some holidays and family occasions which have taken a large chunk out of my hobby time but the most time consuming has been building my new models...