Ahriman Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch

Finished the disk for my Easter egg Ahirman. I really like this model apart from a few practical and aesthetic things. First of I don't like when they add things like smoke, magical effects, flames etc to the models. These things are hard to paint in a realistic way...

Easter egg, WIP

So its been Easter. I managed to take some time off from work last week and set about working on some things needed for the house. These are things I have been postponing for close to a year now so it was time. This meant that I did not have much time to paint...

Varangian WIP

I have finally gotten around to finishing of the green stuff work on the insides of Varangian, I also managed to get the chimera done and the base and the legs with armor. I have really been productive lately. Soon I can start the painting process on the internal...

Moving the Hobby room.

We finally decided to move our hobby/computer room from downstairs to upstairs. Just about one year later than planned. Essentially we split it into a separate Hobby room and a computer room to get some more space. The old room was very cramped and everything was on...