WIP week

Hi there. This week/weeks has been a lot of WIP. I have not really finished anything so I have not been blogging. But I have been hybbying. I have been working on the base for the Varangian, After assembling the feet I realized that I needed to attach them to the base...

Varangian WIP; Knee surgery

I finally got around to doing one of the major modifications to the Varangian. So far I have mostly added things, placed them differently and so on, but it has all been reversible. One of the major issues I have with the way the model is put together is the knee and...

Varangian base WIP

This time I will report on my progress with the Varangian. It is slowly moving forward, but I am super hesitant to work on this model if I do not have the mojo... it is such an exclusive model, and the amount of creative work I have to do to get it where i want it is...

BAC Dark Angels contemptor dreadnought

The mojo hit me the other day and I felt like painting a pre heresy Dark Angels vehicle. The problem was I did not have one, or at least not one that is any way near paintable. But I did have the Betrayal at Calth contemptor dreadnought. The model is not really up to...


Hi there. Today I thought I would talk a little about support. And that is the support from family for the hobby. Not everyone is blessed with an understanding significant other, and it might be hard to explain why we spend so much money and time on painting, and...