Varangian inside WIP

Not much hobbying since I finished Magnus. I have mostly been playing around wit green stuff on the internal panels of Varangian. It is work in progress and not the final detailing, but I just thought I would show what I am working on. I am adding some "chaos...

Magnus The Red

Finished Magnus up this evening. Some minor touch ups left but essentially he is done, and I am pleased with the result. For the armor and tabard I tried something a bit different. I am not sure were I got it from but to my mind Zeentch is the multicolored ever...

Magnus the red, WIP; viewer discretion advised

This year I got "Magnus the red" as Christmas present from my wife (I have a very understanding wife). This is a stunning model and very fun to paint. As I am not doing a Tzeentgh army I felt that I could take my time and experiment a bit with the paint scheme. Since...

Varangian legs

It is a new year and new projects, or at least new parts of old projects (but there are some new ones too, but more of that later). Today I started to play around with the leg pose of the Varangian. For this titan I decided to do a more advanced base than what I...

Models of the week

Yet another week has passed and I have managed to get some more models done. This time it is the last of the Skitarii vanguard, the Alpha and a Kataphron. Even though I feel like I have no time for hobby stuff I actually manage to get somethings done which is very...