Dune Crawler and Data smith

Finally got some hobby time and finished of the Dune Crawler, which I am very happy with. I also managed to try out a mechanicum character in the form of a Data smith for my robots. I am not so sure about the palette. I tried to have an okra colored armor and a deeper...

Dune Crawler WIP 2

I am slowly getting there, but it is slow. Finally managed to get some painting time in on the dune crawler. I really like this model and it might happen that I will get a second one. This is a more or less straight forward build. I removed the vision slit next to the...

Dune Crawler WIP

After finishing the Iron strider I went for the dune crawler from the mechanicum starter set I got for my birthday. Of course I could not just build it as is so it took me some time to get it assembled. I started out with the lower body and the legs and then I went on...


While away from home I finished the Ironstrider. It turned out much as expected and I am pleased with the result. I think the remounting of the auto cannons worked and it gives the model a lower point of gravity, making the rider a rider and not some one clinging to...

Round-shield WIP

After some deep thought and fiddling around with some different ideas and parts I have finally settled for the design of the round-shield for the CCW knight. It consists of a solid outer edge with some surface structures to break up the large flat areas. The center...