Varangian WIP

Finally, I have started to work on the Varangian, warlord of the Nothern Ghosts. As I am building an interior for my warlord I started out with the torso pieces. First of was some drilling and magnetizing for the waist and the head. Used a 10 mm/0.8 kg magnet for the...

CCW inside WIP

After spraying the CCW knight I could not hold back from some painting, so I started out with the inside. This time I went with a lither green-white inside the knight instead of using the same green brown of the outside as I did on the first knight. This was inspired...

Close combat knight and Warlord plans

Hi there. Lately I have actually managed to get some hobby time in. Mostly I have been working on the close combat knight and planing the warlord build. The later I have realized will require some serious thinking before I do any more than clean up work, which I have...

Things do not always turn out as you plan

In my last posts I have hinted at a reinforcements for the northern ghosts in the form of a Warlord titan. This has now arrived, but since it was delayed from Forge World and the delays in our house building made the arrival coincided with wall paper work, it resulted...

CCW Knigth Green Stuff WIP

Vacation is slowly moving forward, and in between house work, barbecuing and socializing with the family I have been managing to work a bit on the Knights, more specifically on the green stuff. I have been practicing my skull sculpting skills and I think I am making...