WIP: Belt-feeds update

Since the last post I have tried to bulk out the belt-feeds abit. I did this by adding three layers of 0.5 mm thick by 4 mm wide strips of plasticard to the inner edges of the guide totalling a 1.5 mm thickness. This left a trench in the middle of the belt with the...

WIP: Linkless belt-feeds for imperial knight

If I ever suggest that a linkless belt-feed looks cool on a model and that I need to build one, stop me! However, for the "Gattling" carrying knight I already decided that it would be nice to have some linkless belt-feeds from the gun to ammo crates on the back. FW...

Pre Heresy / Fallen Dark Angels

Me as so many others bought the Betrayal at Calth game for the Mk IV armours and a starter for a 30k force. I have always liked the Dark Angels since the first Angels of Death codex and since I already have a substantial Pre Heresy / fallen Dark Angels force I decided...

WIP, mechanicum stuff and knights

So, I am home for Christmas and my plan is to get something done. First off I just show the mechanicum stuff I painted during my last stay away from home. This consist of two fairly standard sicarians with dual wielding swords. I also tried a new skitarii conversion...

A long way from home

This month I have been at home 4 days so hobby time has been short. luckily I have a set of paints away from home and have been able to get some brush time in. One of the things I have been chipping away is the mechanicum robot. I am not sure I will use the shoulder...