Castellax with Darkfire Cannon

I finished of the weapons and arms of the first Castellax the other night, and I am pretty pleased with the result. The paint scheme is in-line with the rest of my mechanicum forces. I also pulled out an old "Robot" built from a Tau battle suit. I think I was a bit a...

Castellax WIP

As usual these days I am finding it hard to find any time to paint but I have managed to finish of the first trio of Thallaxes and have started on the first Castellax. Not much to say really, it is an old and well tried paint scheme. One thing that I have changed a...

Thallax cohort

I finally got around to ordering some Forge World stuff and are they gorgeous, a bit steep on the price but the level of detail is amazing. I bought some mechanicum stuff that I will be painting parallel to the plastic kits I started some weeks ago. The paint scheme...


 Well, I just had to try out the new skitarii models from GW. Sadly they do not really keep to the aesthetics of FW mechanicum, which is to bad as the FW ones really look nice and unique. I suppose GW had to fall for the pressure and make the models we expected,...

Light box tests

I finally got around to playing a bit with the light as I am taking pictures of my models. All in all I have to say I am both impressed and a bit disappointed. In the over all scheme of things the pictures tend to loose a lot of vibrancy and colour as I am increasing...