Dark Angel Knigth and Eagle guard

Well, here we are again.Long time, no blogg. I have been having problems focusing on the painting lately. To much other stuff going on, which means the work on the last Myrmidon is going very slow at the moment. In the last two weeks I have only manage to finish one...

WIP update

I have been painting a bit on the last Myrmidon but I have not made great progress. I have base painted the body and leg sections but the going is slow. I do not seam to have the drive to finish it. Instead I have been fiddling a bit with another of my long running...

Dragon Raider

After yet another week away from home I finished the Dragon Raider, at least as much as I could with the paint I have there. So I brought the painted pieces home for final tuchups and assembly. In the end I think the Dragon ended up looking better without the raider....

Last of the Myrmidons WIP1

I have started the process of painting the last of the Myrmidon Walkers. Of course I forgot to build and add some things in my haste to finish it so I will have to add those things later as I go along. Apart from that there really is not much more to say. I am...

Last of the Myrmidons

I have finally gotten around to the last of the Myrmidon assault walkers I started a couple of years ago. So far I have built the last parts, adding hatches, a crew man and such, now it is only some Green Stuff work to do before paint.