Random WIP

This week has seen some random WIP that I have not really finished. After last weeks work on Opus I had to reassemble the hole thing to check some measurements, which lead to me not finishing what I started as that would have meant disassembling Opus again. Instead I...

Opus Magna, blocking.

This weekend I have finally gotten some stuff done on the Opus Magna, and it felt really good. This is a long standing project for me, where I have been held up by some mechanical integrity issues of the model. Once I got to a certain point in the build I realized...

Death Guard

For the last few weeks I have been away with work so there has not been any real progress with my minis. These Death Guards has been hanging around my desk for a year or more and only needed som last details before I could finish them. For being starter minis and mono...

King in the North done

Well that went quicker than expected. The armour plates were fun to paint so perhaps I pushed a bit harder on these than what I have done previously. All in all I think it turned out nicely. There is for sure places where I am not happy with my sculpting, and places...

King in the North WIP 5

This week I have been painting away on the armour plates of the King. I really had forgotten how much stuff I had sculpted on to these...  so it has taken a bit longer than I thought to get it all done. But in the end it is mostly just filling in the fields using...