Dark Angel Hellbrute

Just finished the Dark Angel Hellbute. I am not to happy with this model, I should have chosen another paint scheme or not used the Juggernaut head...  As it is it looks out of place. To be onest I am not a big fan of the Hellbute models in general so I suppose...

Hell Lord Scale

As requested I took a scale shot of the Hell Lord (Lord of Skulls on legs) with a Forge World Warhound and an Imperial Knight. (I will base both the Hell Lord and the Warhound)I am currently working on a the Hell Brute from teh Dark Vengance box, it is going like so...

Hell Lord final assembly

Well, I have painted all the parts but I am still out on the wings. I will leave them dry fitted at the moment and let it rest a while before deciding what to do. In the end I am very happy with the build and I think it looks great both with and with out the wings, so...

Hell Lord WIP; wings or no wings

Painting and assembly of the Hell Lord moves forward. I have now finished the shield arm and the axe. I have also painted up the wings that attaches to the back. However, I am not sure if the wings really fit with the model. I thing it has a more brutish look without...

Hell Lord WIP

Just a short progress update with some more pictures from the assembly of the Hell Lord.