Hell Lord WIP, Assembly started

I have now painted most of the parts for the legs and upper body. There are still some small touch ups that needs to be done, chipped paint and some forgotten areas. But I think I have done enough to start the assembly of the parts I have painted so far. I also need...

Hell Lord WIP

I am slaving away with the painting of the Hell Lord. There are quite a few pieces and at least 10 layers of paint in each filed. I am trying to streamline it as much as possible but the technique I use only allows for so much area to be painted at a time. I am...

Hell Lord WIP

To day I finished the build of the Hell Lord. It came about quite abruptly. I was working along with the green stuff and suddenly I could not think a any place on the model where more green stuff was needed, so I concluded that it was done. Sure, I might have added...

Hell Lord WIP

So, Christmas is at an end and soon also this year will see its final day. But before that I happens would like to get some more build time into the Hell Lord. We had family visiting over Christmas so the amount of hobby time has been close to zero, but now I will...

Hell Lord restart

It is Christmas time. Which means I do have some hobby time. I thought that I would try to finish the Hell Lord build and perhaps even start painting during the holidays. This build is something I started a way back, almost a year ago, mostly because I had this...