Last of the Grey Knights

I finished the last of the grey knights today. The banner turned out quite differently to what I had imagined but I think it works. Otherwise there is really not muck to say about the model. The sword/flamer arm still looks a bit odd, but that was a carry over piece...
Camera test

Camera test

Normally I take my blog picture with a Canon  IXUS 12015 as it is small and quick to use. But we also have a borrowed Canon EOS 400 D so I thought that I would test this and see what it would do. As I had my Titans out of the cabinet the other day I tried to take...
Grey Knights update

Grey Knights update

 I usually do not go back to a model that did not turn out as I had hoped, instead I tend to build a new one and hope that it will be better the second time around. However, the Grey knights that I bought a while back was never meant to be a large number of...
Some random stuff that has been going on.

Some random stuff that has been going on.

So, here we are again. I have not been able to finish of any large models lately so this will just be a short update on some of the smaller things. Fist I assembled the last of the Khorne Blood crushers/marines on juggernauts. This one has a standard but is otherwise...
Update from away from home

Update from away from home

Just a short update on the Khorne daemons I am working on when I am not home. The last Blood Crusher is mostly done so I will pack it up and bring it back home for assembly. The Drake Rider is now underway and I am almost done with the Drake body, one wing left. I am...