Myrmidon Walker; WIP

Myrmidon Walker; WIP

WIP update on the Myrmidon Walker. I got the Myrmidon bases sprayed the other day and have now started the base painting of the parts. First up is the main upper body which has now gotten its base green colour laid down. After this the metallics go on and then some...
Catch of the week

Catch of the week

The catch of the week is a Blood crusher and the final Blood letter. Even though it was one whole week away from home this time I did not have to much time for painting as work spilled over into late evenings for several nights. But I am now down to my last blood...


Once again I find myself making excuses for not blogging as often as I would like, but real life has a tendency to pile up on you If you don't deal with it. But all is not lost, away form home has really turned out to be a very good thing as I am getting through quite...
Hell Lord; WIP

Hell Lord; WIP

My mojo has been low lately when it comes to building. I cant seam to get enough inspiration to make huge progress with my large builds. Neither the Opus nor the Hell Lord has really moved forwards in months. As they are large and expensive projects I do not want to...
Home from away; assebled

Home from away; assebled

 I am back home again and I brought all the parts for the blood letters and the juggernaut riders that I had painted. As I did not have any glue at the place away from home I had to assemble them at home instead. The quality is a bit uneven over the different...