A place away from home

A place away from home

With my job keeping me away three days a week I do not get so much time to paint with all other stuff that needs doing once I get home. To remedy this I decided to set up a small painting station in my overnight apartment. This setup only has about half of the paint I...
Fallen Dark Angel terminator captain and heavy weapon Grey knight

Fallen Dark Angel terminator captain and heavy weapon Grey knight

The other day I just played around with some unused Grey Knight and Death wing models. I got the idea to make a Fallen Dark angel captain using one of the great sword from the Grey knight kit. I also gave him a cloak of "power sensors" from the knight flails. Once I...
Armies of Agis

Armies of Agis

Today I decided that it was once again time to "base" the models I have painted so far. As you might have realised so far I am not a great fan of bases, they are a necessary evil to keep the models standing but nothing to spend to much time on. I do think the models...
Space Wolves, again

Space Wolves, again

Once again I feel the pull of the Space Wolves. It was the first army I painted some 20 years ago and I have always liked them due to their individuality and opportunities for making interesting models. Now with the release of the Space Wolves Codex I once again feel...
Opus Update; broad side

Opus Update; broad side

Just a short update on the progress of the Opus Magna. To get the sides of the hull ready for plaster and detailing I need to add the weapon sponsons for the broad sides. In total there will be 18 mounts, 10 for the main lance batteries and 8 for close defence. The...