Ravings of a diluted mind…

Ravings of a diluted mind…

The last few days have not been easy. I got sent home from work on Monday with orders to rest and not show my self until next Monday. Obviously all the travelling I have been doing lately has taken its toll. This has meant that in principle I have more time for hobby,...
Nobunagas The Fool, test paint

Nobunagas The Fool, test paint

Well I was painting away at yet another Juggernaut when inspiration hit me. I must try my hand at Nobunagas The Fool. As I stated before, this is a model that I picked up in Japan on my trip there. It is not a 40k model nor it is in scale to represent either, it is...
Still here

Still here

Once again work and the house has kept me from painting and blogging. This time it is more than a month since my last update and I cant really say that I have much to show for it, if you do not count 70 square meter of garage plastered, sanded and painted, as well as...
Fallen Dark Angel Lord

Fallen Dark Angel Lord

I just finished the Chaos Lord from the dark vengeance box. As with the rest of the box I am painting the models as Fallen Dark Angels. I tried some free hand on the mantel and I am sort of happy with the result. My free hand can certainly improve, but it is ok, for...
Opus Magna and misc

Opus Magna and misc

So, since last I have managed to pull some Opus days and get some solid work in on the Opus Magna. I have mainly been working on the assembly and trying to make the different blocks stick together without tejp or book supports. This has not changed how the Opus looks...