Fallen Knight; Done

Fallen Knight; Done

I have finished the Fallen version of the Imperial Knight. I am very pleased with the result. It was such a fun model to paint. It really is so full of details that you really get a sense of weight from it. Several times I have been surprised when picking it up, my...
Fallen Knight with armoured legs

Fallen Knight with armoured legs

 Once more, a short update on my progress with the Knight. Since we still has limited bandwidth I will only show two images this time. I have finished the legs and added the armour plates. I am very pleased with how they turned out. The chaos growth are in my...
Fallen knight with legs

Fallen knight with legs

Just a short update. We ran out of internet this month so I can upload to many pictures right now. But that has not stooped me from working on the Knight. After finishing the torso I painted a face shield for the head. Then I started out on the feet and legs. I tried...
Fallen Knight update

Fallen Knight update

Painting of the Fallen Knight is moving forward. Now I have added the last parts to the torso, smoke stacks and misc armour plates and of course the main back carapace. So now I will move on to the legs and the arms. As usual I think the model looks better in reality...