King in the north WIP 4

These last weeks I have been working on getting the king up and standing. It has taken a lot longer than I thought as I constantly needed to go back and paint in details that I missed as there are so many of them. I also feel that it is harder to paint these resin...

King in the North WIP 3

Last week or so there has not been much progress on the King. I have put in the base colours and chipping on the legs and the weapon arms are on their way. I have also started to work on the base. It still needs a second layer of plaster before I can spray it and...

Dark Angel Sicaran Battle tank

It is new hobby year and I stated out, working on my Christmas present Sicaran Battle tank that I got from my wife. After a few sessions I have now finished it in the livery of pre heresy Dark Angels. I love this model, it has such character. I have always wanted...

King in the north WIP 2

Well, it has been Christmas, so time is at a premium. But in between eating, drinking and hanging out with family I have managed to get some painting time in on the King in the north. As it is not possible to insert the pilot after the cockpit is built for the FW...

King in the north

It is Christmas holidays and I have a new project, or rather an old one that needs finishing and I think I have the mojo to do so. This is a Cerastus Knight-Castigator that I started several years ago with the intension of having him as the head of my knight order,...