Fallen Knight Update

Fallen Knight Update

Just a short update. I have now painted the outside of the torso of the Fallen Knight. I went with a green base colour with a lot of rust and damage. This will not be seen once the armour is on but I know it is there and it will be seen when displaying the inside.And...
Fallen Imperial Knight; interior

Fallen Imperial Knight; interior

I have finished the build of my Fallen Imperial Knight and I have stared painting. The first think to do was to paint the interior, the cockpit and the engine bay with turbines. I also painted the pilots hatch as it is sort of part of the interior. The idea is that I...
What went wrong…

What went wrong…

...with the imperial Knight kit?As I mentioned in my last post I started seeing some odd things when I build my Imperial knight. First I noticed that the frames, at least in my box, did not completely fill the box. It looked at bit strange to have so much empty space...
Fallen Knight

Fallen Knight

So, finally it arrived. My lovely wife got me a Knight for my birthday. It arrived a bit late, probably due to the availability issues at GW. So I will not be the first to publish a fully painted Knight, not that I ever thought I would. I like to enjoy my build and...
Desert Eagle Centuriion

Desert Eagle Centuriion

As I have finished my Defiler Knight on time I treated my self to some plastic crack. As a holiday treat I bought a box of centurions and I decided that this was the time to paint one. The model is very detailed and I am sorry that the photos do not convey the colours...