Heavy Defiler Knight and Opus Magna

Heavy Defiler Knight and Opus Magna

This will be a short post with few images as our internet quota is up. In principle I finished of the Heavy Defiler Knight just in time for the release of the imperial knight. Now I have a trio of Knights although they are not compatible with the imperial knight rules...
Heavy Defiler Knight armour plates

Heavy Defiler Knight armour plates

 Now I have painted the armour plates for the Heavy Defiler Knight. I went with the same flaked blue white striped pattern that I used on the other Knights and the Titans. I also added some battle damage and some spreading colour change around the chaos growths....
Heavy Defiler Knight update

Heavy Defiler Knight update

So the imperial Knight kit is now available for pre-order. It is an great looking model and I will have to have one at some point. I just cant by into one right now as I have sort of a shopping ban at the moment. Well, I will have to do with my Defiler Knights in the...
General update

General update

So I am back home again after several weeks on the other side of the pond with work. This off course means that I have not done much with the hobby lately but I have managed to get some hobby time in since I arrived home. So this post will mostly be a general update...
Opus Flight Deck update

Opus Flight Deck update

HiI just want to show the current status of the Opus Magna. I have been building away at the flight deck and its associated side wings. As I have not made any real fastening mechanisms for the side wings yet, so I decided to put the Opus on its back for this photo...