Opus Magna update

Opus Magna update

Hi there. Just a short update on the Opus Magna. I have now constructed the elevators that will transport the aircraft from the deck to the hangar bay. They are a little tall and will be shortened to the right hight once the rest of the sides are built. Talking about...
Update on the Death Guard, Hell Lord and other stuff

Update on the Death Guard, Hell Lord and other stuff

This week as not seen much painting. Most of my time as been spent on building things and trying to get my car to work again. But I did finish of my trio of Death Guard. I also painted a Fallen Dark Angel thrall as well as pepping two assault marines to be painted as...
Death Guard?

Death Guard?

I have long been thinking about painting some pre heresy era models. My fallen Dark Angels might count as a pre heresy paint scheme but painting black is not that exciting (though there will be more of them). I have also thought about buying some FW models and then I...
Hell Lord wip

Hell Lord wip

What do you get if you cross a Lord of skulls with a Hell drake? You get a, Hell Lord....  or you will eventually. Just now I am playing around with a build that has been swimming around in the back of my head since my first Lord of skulls build. I want it...


Epic fail. Just because you think you know how to do something, you should not take it for granted. This time I failed with the drybrushing, which is sort of my technique. I thought that I would paint up a bloodcrucher with the same paint scheme I used on the blood...