Bloodletter test

Bloodletter test

Hi there. This Christmas I treated my self to some plastic drugs. I more or less walked in to the local hobby store and started picking out boxes of models I have wanted to paint for some time. The only restriction was that it had to be infantry as I have way to many...
Dropship done

Dropship done

Finally I have finished the Dropship. I am very pleased with the over all look, but I have learnt a lot about plasticard and the importance of symmetry. More measuring, less cutting. I hope you like it.
Fallen Dark Angels Champions

Fallen Dark Angels Champions

Just a short update. This week and last? I have not had much hobby time. I am still painting away on the dropship but progress is slow. I have just started preparing the engines which are the last part of the dropship proper. Then I just need to paint up some missiles...
Prgress, dropship and Fallen Dark Angels

Prgress, dropship and Fallen Dark Angels

Once again I have been travelling with work and has not had much time to paint or blogg. Add to this the tedious work with large surfaces on the dropship and we are in for a bit of a wait for some clear progress. I have also been adding some time on the fallen Dark...
Fallen Dark Angels serfs

Fallen Dark Angels serfs

Well, I needed a break from painting on the dropship, all that sand colour, so I put some chaos cultists together to have some variation.  Two of the models have been presented before and it is only the guy in the middle that is new. Nothing fancy, but is nice to...