Dropship with wings

Dropship with wings

And now, with wings. As I had painted most of the under side of the Dropship I decided to paint the undersides of the wings too so that I could attach them. I have also started a little on the top panels but all in all not much has happened, painting is slowly...
Dropship underside

Dropship underside

This week I have focused on getting the underside of the dropship painted so that I could close up the top. Things are coming together but the fit of my custom parts could have been better. Have to keep that in mind for later projects. To be honest I have not had so...
Dropship misc parts

Dropship misc parts

I am currently painting some different parts of the dropship so that I can assemble it for the external painting. I need to get the sliding doors done before attaching the roof as this will lock them into place. I also needed to paint the tail section as some of it...
Dropship interior

Dropship interior

  I have been working on the interior of the dropship  so that I can close it up and start on the outside. One thing I noticed is that it is a pain to paint the interior details on an already built model. So if I am ever to paint an interior again it will be...
Dropship update

Dropship update

Just to end the day on a more positive note I post some WIP pictures from the painting of the inside of the Dropship. This is before adding any wear and tear or internal electronics. I am just putting the base colour in before starting with the details. As soon as the...