Know thy self and stick with what you know.

Know thy self and stick with what you know.

I have been visiting a site called for some years, looking at the stunningly painted models presented there and getting inspired. There is a great span of models on the site from pro painted to ordinary players putting up their favourite mini. I...
Northern Ghosts Titan shoots

Northern Ghosts Titan shoots

 The other day while on a business trip I scanned through my old posts and discovered that I never did take any "final" pictures of the titans as I promised to do. So today I took them out of the cabinet and put them in front of my photo background. The lighting...
Opus Magna, flight deck

Opus Magna, flight deck

I did get some time between sneezes and blowing my nose to day to lay out the flight deck of the Opus Magna. Once again I am struck by the sheer size of this project and I am starting to wonder what I have started. But so far I am sticking to my initial drawings and...
Dropship painting started

Dropship painting started

Finally I have started painting on the dropship. It will be painted up in the Desert Eagles colours but I am thing about adding some free hand to it to cover some of the larger surfaces with more detail. I started out with the nose and the pilots and then I went for...
Fallen Dark Angels

Fallen Dark Angels

I have taken a short break from the large projects of Opus Magna and the War bird builds and instead painted up the tactical squad from Dark Vengeance as fallen dark angels. I am particularly pleased with the sergeant as he looks suitably corrupted. The paint scheme...