Fallen Dark Angels

Fallen Dark Angels

Hmmm....  usually I do not post this much but since I have treated my self to a hobby weekend I might as well post the models I finish. This evening it was a trio of fallen Dark Angels based on the Dark Vengeance marines. They are sadly not the most inspiring...
Desert Eagles in Master crafted power armour

Desert Eagles in Master crafted power armour

Parallel to all my other work I have been painting some more Desert Eagles. These are in master crafted power armour. I used the Dark angels upgrade frame for the bodies and some left over terminator arms. This gives them a more bulky feel without actually being...
Opus Magna 4

Opus Magna 4

This week the parts I ordered for the Opus Magna arrived. I did not have time to do anything with them until tonight but now I got started. I have put the track units from the bane blades together and also started with the deck as I will need it to get all the...
Update on Opus Magna and Warbird

Update on Opus Magna and Warbird

 This will be just a short update on what is going on. Last week I put the Opus Magna bottom board together but the rib frame was not even which resulted in the top of the board being bent, which of course has the result that anything built on top of if will also...
Opus Magna 3, scale

Opus Magna 3, scale

Just a short update. After removing the books from press gluing the Magnas bottom plate I thought that I would give you a scale shot for some reference. All in all the plate turned out ok, I could certainly been more diligent in the fitting of the ribs, there are...