Short short update on the Desertblade

This will be a very short update on what has been going on since not much has happened. Last week we had valpurgis night here and we had some friends over which was very nice but did not leave me any time to paint. Then I got hit by a stomach flue...

Desertbalde update

I have been busy at work and with the house now that the snow finally has gone. But I have managed to get some hours in on the Desertblade build. Once I got the hang of working with plastic card things moved along nicely....


During ester I had some vacation from work and it was spent divided among fixing with the house, eating and drinking with relatives and doing some plasticard work. I have always been envious of those who can scratch build anything from plasticard and make it...

Progress report

This will be a short progress report as I have not finished any major models lately. I have been cleaning up on the to do list, mostly single model painted for relaxation. Three and a half Desert Brederen are now painted. The Helldrake that I got for Christmas is...

Desert Bretheren

For my birthday I got a kit with Eavy Metal Edge Lining paints and a box of finecast Black Templar Sword Bretheren from my wife. Now I have not worked a lot with finecast, just one model before but I must say that it was quite a nostalgic moment....