Rider of the Desert Wind

I am on fire it would seam. A lot of models get painted and I am keeping up with the posting. Now I have finished my first Rider of the Desert Wind. I used the sergeant from the Dark Vengeance set, it is not an optimal model since it is a "one...

No saving this one!

Some times there just is no saving  a model, no amount of painting will make it a great model. This one is a land speeder that I got in the starter set way back when the new plastic marines and land speeder got introduced. I did not like the new speeder...

Desert Eagles Command squad

Now I have painted up the Desert Eagles Command squad using my new colour scheme and the Death Wing terminators. I really like how the turned out. I think I might get more of the Da models in the future to add to this army. I am also...

What have I been doing?

Once more it has been all to long since my last update, so what have I been up to? Well several things as it turns out. Before the launch of the Dark Angels codex I was happily painting away on my Dark Vengeance models, painting them up in a nice...

Dark Angel or Desert Eagle

When the new Dark Angels models hit the stores I knew that I had to paint some of them. I love the terminators in robes, But what color to paint? I am currently painting my dark Vengeance models as pre heresy DA. I also have a quite substantial green DA army...