Myrmidon assault walker

The Myrmidon Assault Walker is an AA and anti infantry war walker employed by the mechanicum to give close support to skitarii troopers and Titans. In my case it has a battle cannon with co-mounted auto cannons and two quad gun emplacements....

DW sergeant

A quick update. I have painted the DW sergeant from the Dark Vengeance box. I did some re-positioning of the wings on the back, but otherwise it is the standard model. I have say that I am impressed by the quality and detail of these...

Christmas projects 2012

It is Christmas and I have a lot of time to spend on different projects. The first one is a Cathedral based on the bunkers I had left over from the myrmidon project. These will then be combined with some ruined city models to get a nice...

Pre Heresy Dark Angel prt2

A small update on my Dark Vengeance Pre Heresy Dark Angels....I have finished my Pre Heresy DA DW. I am happy with the look of the model, it is a bit sad that is not a real pre heresy model, but it will do. I have also painted one of the cultists as a DA...

Pre Heresy Dark Angel

I am playing around with some of the marines in the Dark Vengeance box. I already have a quite substantial Dark Angels army so I though that I would have a go at the pre heresy colors. Painting black is harder than it would seam....