Forge Mauler Finished

The Forge Mauler is finished. It did turn out ok, almost as I had in mind. This time I started out painting it an over all metal, adding different red toned inks to give it a rusted and whether beaten look. After that I added black patches on...

Forge Mauler

My work on the Forge Mauler Fiend continues. For this model I wanted to try something new. My previous models had been painted in a worn color and then battle damaged. This time I wanted to try it the other way around, make a...

Mauler Fiend

Well, well, well....   so I am late with my blogg update again. Now we have moved into our new house and have started to unpack our boxes, however far from everything is unpacked, and that goes for my figures and a lot of my spare parts. I have however set...

CCW Knight assembled

Somewhat unexpectedly I have found some time to paint on my CCW knight. The process of building our house is starting to tell, so I am not sleeping very well and with two cats that wake me around 4 am I have found that since I can not fall a sleep again I can paint....

CCW knight update

This is just a short update on my CCW knight. I am mostly done with the green parts and are starting out on the rust and weathering. Painting is going slow due to other engagements but I am hope full to finish it with in a couple of weeks.Until later.