Slow going

Hi again, I am not gone, but I am otherwise occupied so my updates on this blog is some what slow going at the moment. I try to get some painting in now and then, but most of my hobby space and stuff is packed up for our move to the new house. I have started...

Summer update

Hi there!Once again I have been on a brake from the painting hobby and the maintenance of this blog. It has been summer and I have been hard at work building a new home for the family together with my wife and so hobby time has been reduced....

Mechanicum update

Kill your darlings...  and nurture them. Some times you end up at a position where you have two ideas that are not compatible. You have one build you like and then there is another build, equally appealing.but they are both utilizing the same...

Assault Knight

I am currently in the middle of a building frenzy. Al the ideas that I have thought about regarding my Mechanicum army are trying to get out at the same time. This we I had to build the Heavy Assault Knight. I have had this idea of taking the Defiler Knight and...

Myrmidon update

After playing around a bit with the Phirana body for my heavy Myrmidon I came to the conclusion that the body was to small and it was completely obscured by the weapon  arrays. So I decided to use the original defiler upper body as it is more massive. I also...