Cannon building

A report from my first initial work. Apart from the boxes I bought I also bout some hammerhead weapon sprues. The thought is to use these to build some field artillery to be mounted on the heavy myrmidon and on one of the raptors. I had...

New project

So, the things for my new project arrived today. When I got home from work I found a large package guarded by Balthazar in the hallway. After some unpacking I realized the magnitude of my purchases. This will be the next installment in my mechanicum army which will...

Space Wolves

During the last week(s?) i have painted some more Space Wolves. I am starting to get a feeling for the color scheme. I kind of like the dark color that they turned out to have. In the beginning I thought that they might be to dark and that...

Random minis

I have found that I have somewhat of a difficulty to maintain a strict focus on the blog now that I do not have a project running. It was much easier to remember to update the blog with the progress of the week. It was also a way for me to document the...

Command Rhino

We have finally found our camera again. It had been face down in a field for two weeks, suffering both snow and rain as well as some trampling. Well we brought it in, wiped it down, dried it out and now we can take some pictures...