Fallen Dark Angel

Once again it has been a few weeks since the last update. This time it is mostly due to us loosing our camera so I have not been able to take any new pictures. Finally I decided to try out my mobile and hope that the inbuilt camera can focus enough on close objects...

Space Wolves prt2 update

Just a quick update. I just finished a Blood Claw with a jump pack. Originally I used the old GW jumpacks for my blood claws, the ones that looked like they had two fans on the back. I like this look better than the current jump pack with the forward looking intakes....

Space Wolves prt2

After last weeks attempt to paint a Space Wolf I just had to find out if the color scheme and painting technique was good enough to work on "standard miniatures". So I bought a Space Wolf pack and some Wolf Guard terminators. At this point I will...

Space Wolves

Once again I have been away for the week on work but I managed to get some solid painting time in this week end. This time I am focusing on the Space Wolves. They where my first wh40k army. And as I have said before my painting methods have evolved somewhat...

Thunder chick update

 So, a small update on the thunder chick. I have painted the las-cannon tower and some small details. There are still some things to do on it, as it is on the whole army, but that will have to wait until I have decided on the details of the army. I am...