by Akenseth | Feb 14, 2012
Thanks for the help with the Phoenix dimensions. I'm working on building one up right now!
by Akenseth | Feb 14, 2012
Here is a picture of some dimensions I'm trying to find for this model, if you can help me out it would be great!
by Akenseth | Feb 14, 2012
Is there someone with a Phoenix bomber that can give me some dimensions?
by Akenseth | Feb 12, 2012
See the below video for some Apocalyptic stuff!
by Akenseth | Feb 12, 2012
There is a lot of information and people talking about Imperial armor 11 as of late, but it seems that people are not aware of the FAQ that was released by Forge World. It's worth a read because it changes how the FOC works for the corsair allies. The FAQ can be found...