Please Enjoy this Video…

I am *this* close to finishing my Temple Guard and have been so for about a month, but my attention has been hijacked, and rightly so, by the L.A. Kings' glorious run towards the Stanley Cup.  Neither have I been able to finish one of the half dozen or so half-baked...

Albino Saurus Hero Finished

Managed to sit down an wrap up this model over the weekend: The only thing interesting about the final steps on this guy was that I played around with Lahmian Medium to make a few glazes and washes.  It pretty much works as advertised so I won't pontificate on it. ...

Field Report: New Citadel Paints

On my lunch break today I was able to hit up a local GW store and try out some of the new Citadel paint range. When I first learned about the new range I was pretty curmudgeony about the whole deal, but that's mostly because the names of the colors are so horrible...

Albino Suarus WIP Part 2 – Painting Gold

The next step in my little painting experiment is trying a new technique for gold.  I encourage you to read Luaby's post on this technique since he's far more knowledgeable about these matters than I am.  For those of you too lazy to click the link here's the gist of...

Albino Saurus Lord WIP & New Paint Brush Review

One of the casualties of last year's hobby-hiatus was the plastic Saurus hero that I bought to experiment on with some new (to me) painting techniques.  Armed with my new Winsor & Newton Series 7's and needing a break from painting Temple Guard, it was time to get...