More Temple Gaurd Finished and New Brushes

Over the past week I put the final details on eight more Temple Guard, including the command group.  Eight more of these guys to go, and the whole unit will be done. I might need a break before moving on to the final eight models.  Temple Guard are time consuming due...

Old Stuff Day 2012

 It's Old Stuff Day - it's just like shopping at thrift store, which I've done in the past because I had no money in law school, not because I'm a hipster... Anyways, not like one inch warriors has been super productive since Old Stuff Day 2011, but I've combed...

A Note on Painting Wooden Weapon Shafts

I've always been a bit beguiled when it comes to painting weapon shafts - you know, spears, flails, etc.  It's easy to do a simple highlight but with that large amount of blank, cylindrical space, I always felt that a wood grain texture gives the model more life.  The...

Where the *bleep* did one inch warriors go?

What MacArthur said about old soldiers is also true about blogs -  they don't die, they just slowly fade away.  For a while I was content to let one inch warriors fade away into the depths of the blog rolls, never to see site traffic again... although apparently I've...

Saurus Unit Filler WIP & Other Odds and Ends

I like to be frugal, whether I'm shopping for groceries, pet supplies or hobby goodies.  This is why unit fillers in WFB appeals to me.  My two Saurus units presently have 20 models each, but I want to expand the units up to 24.  Inexpensive solution, take the 8...