Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas day! I will be spending mine with my wonderful wife and kids playing Skylanders and doing puzzles.  Maybe we’ll even get a game in later. Merry Christmas and happy gaming!

Weekend Gaming: Pre-Christmas Weekend

No gaming to speak of this weekend.  With everyone out of town, we took time Saturday to just enjoy the season with family; looking at Christmas lights and watching the Grinch who Stole Christmas.  I did get about half a game of King of Tokyo with my son and one of...

Weekend Gaming: The Manhattan Project and More

Louis, Kevin, Joe, Gina, and I started off our Saturday evening with a game of The Manhattan Project.  Louis was performing air strikes often, causing issues for Gina, Joe and Kevin primarily.  I had picked up a factory to product money and fighters early, so I was...

Weekend Gaming: Lords of Keyflower

We had Dana, Louis, and Kevin over Saturday and kicked things off with Lords of Waterdeep.  It was a very close game throughout.  Kevin and I got out to early leads, but the others quickly caught up.  I was trying to complete a number of arcana and warfare quests, but...

November Wrap-up

Late post for November here.  With the holiday and then I just got busy this week.  Being out of town visiting family and a late Halloween party threw a couple different games into the mix.  Twenty-four total game plays, making it the highest number of the year. The...