Weekend Gaming: Free Comic Book Day

Gina ran in a half marathon, so we spent the weekend visiting my aunt and uncle living in the same town. We didn’t get any gaming in, but we did get to the local bookstore for the annual free comic book day event. The kids and I all picked out some books and...

Weekend Gaming: Scoundrels and Spyrium

Kevin, Louis, and I started Saturday of with Lords of Waterdeep with the Skullport expansions. The corruption mechanic was an interesting addition. We all floated around the same collection of corruption, with Louis holding the most. We were all completing quests...

Weekend Gaming: Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! Most everyone here was busy for the holiday, but Joe and Terrell were available Saturday evening for some Dominion.  We ended up playing three games and I lost all three. The first was a longer game with no way to reduce...

Weekend Gaming: Terra Mystica

We weren’t able to play Saturday night, but Joe, Kevin and Louis joined me Sunday afternoon for a game of Terra Mystica. I was playing the Chaos Magicians.  Louis played the Merfolk; Kevin, the Halflings; and Joe, the Nomads. I started in the middle of the map...

Weekend Gaming: Clash and March Wrap Up

Kevin, Joe, Louis, and I decided on Clash of Cultures Saturday night. It started off pretty peacefully. A mountain range separated me from Louis, and the middle was unexplored for much of the game. Eventually Joe and Kevin ended up next to each other. Kevin took the...