January 2014 Wrap-up

We played nine different games in January, and ten total games played.  Eminent Domain was the only game played multiple times.  There were a couple of new games with Snowdonia and Caverna joining the list. In other non-board gaming news, I did do some painting.  The...

Weekend Gaming: Super Weekend

Joe, Louis, and Kevin joined me for games on Saturday and Louis brought Kemet with him. The game started off with Louis picking up a couple of points battling me for control of the Nile delta temple. Eventually he and I were both able to control two temples each for...

More Painted Trolls

I have been doing a little painting, but I have been mostly delinquent about posting pictures.  So here are some pictures of the trolls I’ve been working on. First the Troll Impaler (need to finish the base on this guy and the Axer: Troll Axer: Runebearer And...

Weekend Gaming: Cards and More

Louis, Kevin and I kicked Saturday off with Terra Mystica.  Louis was playing the Giants, I had the Halflings and Kevin the Merfolk.  With only three players, it was tougher to build next to each other, but we all managed to cluster in the upper center of the board...

Weekend Gaming: Dart Tournament

Late post this week, as I was at a Dart tournament all weekend.  When I got home Sunday, all I wanted to do was sit down and watch football. The tournament was great, though.  Louis, Ryan, another friend (also Ryan), and I played in the team Cricket and 501...