Dark Eldar test model

Here is my first completed model for my Dark Eldar army: a test model for the Wych Cult of Strife. Originally she was painted int he red and black colour scheme of the Wych Cult of Domination (see White Dwarf 241) as I wanted my Wych Cult members to have a different...

April Fools!

Citadel Colouring Book This morning the above image appeared on Tale of Painters. It purports to be a leaked image of the new Citadel Colouring Book and is clearly a light-hearted April Fools joke (you can read the full story here). I particularly liked one comment...

Dark Eldar venom WIP

A Hobby Detour As is so often the case, my hobby plans have shifted slightly. Originally I was planning on allying my Harlequins with a Craftworld Eldar force. However, the brand-new Harlequins really showed up how dated the Eldar range is. Instead ideas started...

Harlequin vehicles wip

Over the last couple of weeks I have been slowly assembling the vehicles to go with my Harlequin troupe. Not only do the kits look fantastic but they are really well designed too and many of the components fit together so well that when dry-fitting them they remained...

Can’t see the wood for the trees

Just a quick update to show some of the terrain I have been working on recently. These trees are made using Woodland Scenics 5-7 inch tree armatures. These are pliable plastic frames which can be carefully bent into shape and produce pretty realistic trees with very...