β€˜Ere we go!

I recently decided to start a new fleet for Battlefleet Gothic. I’ve always had a soft spot for Battlefleet Gothic; the miniatures are great and have really stood the test of time. What’s more, I really enjoyed painting my Imperial Fleet and, with a few...

Mordor Uruk Hai

Here are my finished Mordor Uruk Hai. These were fun models to paint and I kept to a very limited palette of dark browns and greys to match their appearance in the films as closely as possible. The tricky thing about painting them was to keep them very dark but...

Building a battlefield (part 1) – running up that hill

I wasn’t in the mood for painting yesterday so I decided to work on my terrain. Construction of the boards was completed a while ago so I just needed to flock them and add detail. I have wanted my own battlefield for years, ever since those early days of reading...

Building a battlefield (part 1) – running up that hill

I wasn’t in the mood for painting yesterday so I decided to work on my terrain. Construction of the boards was completed a while ago so I just needed to flock them and add detail. I have wanted my own battlefield for years, ever since those early days of reading...

Work in progress – Lord of the Rings

Just a quick update to share some Mordor uruk hai that I am currently working on. As you can see, they are all in various stages of painting. In the background are some Men of Gondor who I have also started. And here are some other projects I have on the go as well. I...