Work in progress – Lord of the Rings

Just a quick update to share some Mordor uruk hai that I am currently working on. As you can see, they are all in various stages of painting. In the background are some Men of Gondor who I have also started. And here are some other projects I have on the go as well. I...

Astral Claws Venerable Dreadnought

I have finished my Venerable Dreadnought. Thanks to everyone who commented on my previous post, your suggestions were much appreciated. As you can see, in the end I did decide to swap one of the armour panels and repaint the other in order to make the overall...

Astral Claws Venerable Dreadnought

I have finished my Venerable Dreadnought. Thanks to everyone who commented on my previous post, your suggestions were much appreciated. As you can see, in the end I did decide to swap one of the armour panels and repaint the other in order to make the overall...

Venerable dreadnought wip

Those of you who follow me on Twitter (@Mini_Miscellany), will have seen this already. I’m quite pleased with how he’s coming along but I’m not entirely sure about the blue panels on the front. I think they make him look a little too blue when viewed...

Venerable dreadnought wip

Those of you who follow me on Twitter (@Mini_Miscellany), will have seen this already. I’m quite pleased with how he’s coming along but I’m not entirely sure about the blue panels on the front. I think they make him look a little too blue when viewed...